Become an agent
Need an extra source of income? Sign up to be a UnionDirect agent and earn up to N100,000 monthly in commission!
- To become an agent, you must;
- Maintain a savings or current account with Union bank
- Own an existing business in a physical location that is easily accessible
- Have a minimum of one staff to support the business.
- Have a minimum working capital of N150,000
- Have a valid means of identification (Voter’s card, Driver’s license, International passport or National ID card)
- Provide relevant business information
- Complete the Agent registration form and execute the agreement.
- Submit filled form to or visit a Union bank branch.
To sign up, kindly input your details here and a member of our team will reach out to you.
Locate an agent
To find a UnionDirect agent close to you, dial *826*19# from your registered phone number with Union bank or visit
Agent banking support
For enquires, call our 24/7 multilingual contact centre – UnionCare on 07007007000 or send an email to
For transaction or terminal related issues, send an email to or visit a Union bank branch close to you.

Frequently Asked Questions
What channels can I transact on as an agent?
- WEB – Click here to log in to the web portal.
- UnionDirect App – download the app from the playstore and log in with your credentials.
- POS – available on request
How long does it take to get a POS?
7 working days from request date.
How often are agents’ commissions paid?
Commissions to agents are paid monthly.
Who can be an agent?
- Individuals
- Business owners
- Corporates with retail chains/large distribution networks
- SMEs
How do I reset my password?
You can reset your password through the UnionDirect web portal. Click here to access the portal.
Do agents get rewarded?
Agents with high transaction counts are rewarded quarterly.