Finance Solution
Union Bank has built up a reputation as the go-to bank for corporates and businesses looking to make their money go further. By means of a dedicated relationship management approach, our business addresses the unique requirements of corporate and commercial customers. We offer an extensive range of financial solutions, which we tailor to the specific needs of each organization.
Asset Finance
- Our asset finance loan facility is designed to enable you to acquire assets with ease. With this product, you can acquire an asset and use it as security for the facility.
- Our documentation is simple, straightforward and there are no hidden costs. The level of finance we grant allows you or your business to continue operation unhindered. In most cases this product will allow you
- Provides flexible funding profiles to match repayments to your cash
flow cycles
LPO financing/Contract finance facilities
- Fund the execution of contracts for counterparties acceptable to Union Bank
- Provides assurance that you will meet your contractual obligations
- Raise funding necessary to meet contractual obligations
Distributor Finance Scheme
- Secure funding to purchase fast moving consumer goods from
manufacturers - Competitively priced lending solution based on trade relationships between a corporate and its distributors
- Helps buyers reduce supplier’s finance risk
Term Loans
Our term loans are designed by carefully analyzing your sales figures over the previous years to develop an ideal solution. Our Analyst can advise you on the safest, most responsible and effective loan amounts and durations based on these figures.
- Financing for a range of business needs such as the purchase of long
term assets - Available in a number of currencies, terms, repayment profiles and interest rate structures
- Helps to finance assets on a leveraged and capital efficient basis
Working Capital Finance
We offer Working Capital Finance product that provides a flexible solution to business finance that caters to the seasonable business demand fluctuations of your industry.
We offer the following products tailored to meet the short-term funding needs of any business:
- Overdrafts
- Invoice discounting and financing o Stock Finance
- Short term finance
Business Banking
Your business can benefit from our personalised Business Banking solutions.
SME Services
At Union Bank, we have tailored solutions designed to help grow SME business.